Don’t you have anything better to do than look up “crotchless pants” in Chinese?

Apparently, I don't. Melissa sent me this story, which is… well, different cultures have different ways, and while pooping on the ground might seem wrong to me, who am I to- no, wait, that's gross.

Read about it on wcco's site:

[edit: link sadly offline, so I updated it to point at a google search for kaidangku.

Chinese characters thanks to


開襠褲: kaidangku (open crotch pants)

[kai1] /open/operate (vehicle)/start/

[dang1] /crotch/seat of a pair of trousers/

[ku4] /drawers/trousers/pants/


开裆裤: kaidangku (open crotch pants)

[kai1] /open/operate (vehicle)/start/

[dang1] /crotch/seat of a pair of trousers/

[ku4] /drawers/trousers/pants/

One Response to “Don’t you have anything better to do than look up “crotchless pants” in Chinese? ”

  1. […] peaking in tongues category is for things involving foreign languages, like the post about Chinese crotchless pants. The rest are pretty self explanatory. […]

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