Summer Lovin’

Lovin’ summer? I had no idea! When those good folks at Onestop ruined my spring, then unintentionally freed up my summer from the onerous task of going to any classes. Wow. Instead, I get to read books, watch Doctor Who, and completely hose up my sleep schedule on three day weekends. Maybe that last one isn’t so good, but it has kept me reasonably sane while I work and work on secret projects. You might even catch me smiling from time to time.

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I Am Feeling Fairly Smug

Today we had the sort of weather for which Minnesota is not famous: sunny, breezy and warm-yet-not-too-warm. I took advantage of it by slipping into my new stripy cardigan and strolling across campus to Onestop. On the way I saw university police officers rolling past on their bicycles and thought to myself that maybe I would just be arrested once I set foot in Frasier Hall.

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Hey Onestop!

You know, I think the best way to prepare for a visit to Onestop is a visit to the dentist, which is what I just did. Now that I’m used to pain, it’s time for a sojourn across campus. The Onestop people prepared by looking me up and visiting my personal website, which is the blog that you are reading right now.

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Maybe Helping U

Today is, I believe, Tuesday, which makes yesterday Monday. I was supposed to get a call from the guy in Onestop [Not] Helping You on Friday by noon, but somehow that translated into “I’m sorry that I didn’t call back, but I wanted to make sure that I knew bla bla bla…” If a customer is already irate and you don’t follow through by the time that you say you will — even if just to say “no news, but you’re my top priority,” then obviously said customer is not your top priority. I called two extra times on Friday but didn’t get him on the phone.

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Financial Updates

I got a letter from the University telling me that my student account is now past due. Past due accounts lead to being dropped from your classes. Can they drop me five days before my final?

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There’s a Light at the End of the Tunnel

Class is in session. I’m doing everything that I can to stay calm, but something about work and school runs me down. Also I think that I had a virus or some other thing from Seattle until last weekend. All of a sudden I just felt better — so much so that I haven’t been able to sleep.

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Chicago Style

I am trying to write a paper for class. This is the first one that will not be in MLA style. I don’t know how I’m going to keep the mustard, onions, sweet pickle relish, dill pickle spear, tomato slices, sport peppers, and a dash of celery salt with the paper, but whatever. Oh man, I’m gonna have to make two so I can have one for lunch. Delicious.

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So Angry

I got a call from a financial aid advisor
“So and so said that you wanted me to call her.”
“Yeah, I had a question for her — I think that I asked her to call me back, not you.”
“She asked that I call you back because last time you became… agitated.”
“Oh, I become agitated whenever I talk to anyone from Onestop or financial aid.”
“Uh, did you have a question that you wanted answered?”
“No, it’s been like a month, and I forget now.”

It HAS been a month. Really, I should just randomly call every day to spew invectives at Onestop, the financial aid office, and the office of the president. All I want is timely and correct information about classes, financial aid, and how I can continue to attend the University. I don’t think that’s too much to ask.

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Thanks, But No Thanks.

If you couldn’t tell from the last post, I am abandoning the idea of an art minor.

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Class Search

For the fall I am signed up for:
AmSt 3253W - Pop cult and politics
Anth 3019 - Hisp Cult of Lat Am

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