ABC, Easy as One Two Three

The war is an exceedingly complex set of issues. If only someone were to make a simple guide, that would be very helpful.

If you've never visited but you have similar political leanings to me (or simply enjoy good, quality entertainment), I suggest that you peruse Mikhaela's terrific comics and maybe her blog, too. She's been referenced by Tom Tomorrow- in fact this comic is at the top of his blog as I write this. It's hard to imagine much higher praise than that, unless you don't like Tom Tomorrow, in which case, why are you reading my blog?

Thank goodness that I have my good friend Matt to boil down the internet and give me just the good stuff.

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Say it ain’t so, Jay!

Photos by
Kara Keeton

Jason Mewes subject of documentary of his drug use

The documentary will show Mewes using heroin and going through withdrawl after he quits cold turkey. At least he's quitting. People who know me know that I love the whole View Askewniverse, from Clerks through Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, with stops on the way for Mallrats, Chasing Amy and Dogma.

Jason, I wish you the best on your road to getting clean and sober, or at least clean. Do it for the kids.

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There are no words

I meant to blog this before, but, you know how it goes, what with responsibilities and work and such. I mean, what with, uh… Never mind. Enjoy some weird recipes from Weight Watchers past.

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