The Squid and the Whale

I feel a little guilty because I go to the Lagoon Theatre for free more often than I pay. I don’t know why that is. I scored a pass via my nefarious sources and tapped the only person whom I knew who had a card for the movie stuck to her fridge with a pinup girl magnet. You might guess that was Cake Woman — and you’d be right. Today I called her in the afternoon and deposited the times and general game plan into her voice mail. Several hours later I finally got a call back. She had walked from Anoka to Coon Rapids in some sort of fever dream. Dan picked her up and delivered her to the Lagoon still in her pajamas. After the movie he took her home again. During the movie he waited at the CC Club or something. I don’t know what that’s about.

The movie itself was great. Simply great. Pretty much everything that I would want to see in a movie about a divorce (and maybe some stuff that I didn’t, but hey, that’s life).

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