Keyboard Bangery

I’m feeling much better in general, except for that nexus of homework that has hit me. I have more to do but my eyes are burning already, so I guess that I will ahve to try to “get up early” or “do it instead of paying work.” This semester has not been great for me getting work done. I’ve either been distracted or… I dunno… crazy or something. I used to have distractions well under control — a fifteen minute tour of the internet would lead into me biting down on a problem and taking care of business. Now everything is looking NP complete, which basically means intractable, which basically means that computers can’t calculate it in reasonable amounts of time. I just want to tell everyone to fuck off and take myself to someplace warm and sunny where I can sit inside with the windows open and nap or something.

I’m gonna go brush my teeth and try to sleep early.

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