Start Wearing Purple

I’m pleased to mention that I just mailed paperwork over to Yahoo! Inc. headquarters in Sunnyvale, California accepting their offer and signing away the rights to any inventions I might make while toiling in their internet forges. Clang! will sound my internet hammer, and pixelated sparks will flicker in the air over my head. The Thanksgiving holiday has extended my two weeks at SugarCRM, but I have a vested interest in making the transition smooth: some of my options have vested! Plus, I’ve made some good friends at Sugar, and I’d hate to leave a tangle of a half-finished project.

I start at Yahoo! on December seventh, and I will be working in the Systems Engineering and Development group as a Software Development Engineer. Basically, I’ll be jumping feet first into a team of full-stack web developers and systems admins, who build and maintain web applications from the system calls to the css positioning — at least if you use the intense interviews as a reference.

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