School Update

This semester I got to declare my major. I will have completed all of my coursework in my major by the end of spring. I missed being on the Dean’s list for fall semester by five thousanths of a grade point. BOO.

I still need to pick one class for spring semester.

Here’s a huge list of classes. Stuff that I just finished is in bold. Stuff for which I am registerred is in italics.

A CSci 1901 — Structure of Computer Programming I (4cr)
A CSci 1902 — Structure of Computer Programming II (4cr)
B+ CSci 2011 — Discrete Structures of Computer Science (4cr)
B- CSci 2021 — Machine Architecture and Organization (4cr)
B+ CSci 4011 — Formal Languages and Automata Theory (4cr)
B+ CSci 4041 — Algorithms and Data Structures (4cr)
B Math 1271 — Calculus I (4cr)
B- Math 1272 — Calculus II (4cr)
C Math 2243 — Differential Equations and Linear Algebra (4cr)
A- Stat 3021 — Introduction to Probability and Statistics

Not Started:
- CSci 4061 — Introduction to Operating Systems (4cr)

9 Credits of 4xxx or 5xxx Electives:
B+ CSci 3081W Program Design & Development (4cr)
A CSci 4131 Internet Programming (3cr)
B+ CSci 5403 Comp complexity (3cr)
B+ CSci 5421 Adv. Algs. & Data (3cr)
- CSci 5161 Intro to Compilers (3cr)

Writing Intensive:
B- Arts1001W Concepts in Visual Art (4cr)
A Phys 1001W Energy and Environment (4cr)

Upper Division Writing Intensive:
B+ CSci 3081W Program Design and Development

Upper Division Outside Major (14cr) (+4 Math 2243)
A RHET3102 - Digital Photography (2cr)

Art Minor:
B+- Arts 1701 - Photography (4cr)
- ArtH 3940 Topics in Art History (The Cinema of Alfred Hitchcock)
- Arts 3701 - Photography: Silver Processes (4cr)
- Arts 3702 - Photography: The Extended Image (4cr)
- Arts 3703 - Photography: Digital Imaging (4cr)

Cultural Diversity:
B+ Chic 3375 Folklore of Mexico (3cr)

Historical Perspective?
Social Science?
Citizenship and Public Ethics?
International Perspectives?
Second Language?

Random Classes:
- CSci 4211 - Introduction to Computer Networks (3cr) (p CSci 4061)
- CSci 5106 - Programming Languages (3cr) (p CSci 4011)
- CSci 5115 - User Interface Design, Implementation and Evaluation (3cr) (p CSci 4041)
- CSci 5116 - GUI Toolkits and Their Implementation (3cr) (p 5115 or 5107)
- CSci 5523 - Introduction to Data Mining (3cr) (p CSci 4041)
- CSci 5511 - Artificial Intelligence I (3cr) (p CSci 2011)
- CSci 5561 - Computer Vision (3cr) (p CSci 5511)
- INET 4081 Introduction to Software Engineering (4cr CSci 4061)
- INET 4031 Systems Administration (4cr) (p CSci 4061)
- INET 4021 Network Programming (4cr) (p CSci 4061)

2 Responses to “School Update ”

  1. Two A- and two B+. Wow. You didn’t know if you could make it through the semester, and you were right, you ROCKED IT.

  2. Actually, one of those is a straight up A, yo. The physics.

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