White Out

Hey, you know what, let’s get out of this blistering summer heat and go some place nice, like North Dakota.

Merricourt is a bustling metropolis in North Dakota. Ask anyone you find in town, and they will tell you — oh. You won’t find anyone in town because it is abandoned.

Merricourt city: disincorporation, area reverted to Young township, effective August 7, 1990

A little bit after I took this picture I was alone in subzero temperatures with winds sandblasting the whitewash off of my face.

So cold.

So empty.

My traveling companions:

My darling Sarah:

Chandler, about whom I have not said much:

Donald, about whom I have more to say:

What happens when three photographers travel with one ham?

They find a ball of twine in Darwin, Minnesota.

Okay, so maybe a little something about Chandler:

She is a good friend of Sarah’s. She has a well written but anonymous blog to which I will not link. She painted this mural:

Any art featuring booze is good art.

When Sarah and Chandler put their heads together to talk about making books I can’t help but be happy. I do feel left out, ‘cause I’m just this crusty old computer science fart, but anything that makes Sarah happy is a good thing in my book.

3 Responses to “White Out ”

  1. Three photographers plus one ham plus a whole lotta bacon. Mmmm, bacon.

    Thanks again for driving through a bloody blizzard to East Bumblefuck to pick up my beloved Charles Beck print, then cramming it into the trunk with all our worldly possessions, sharing the back seat with an enormous picnic hamper, and putting up with us all the way back to Murderapolis. With Sarah ready to puke in the back. Meeeemmmoriiiiieees…

  2. Is that Donald in the mural?

  3. hey dude, I didn’t know East had a bumblefuck, or that Print had a charles beck, or that murder had an opolis.

    I got to get in more.

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