AFSCME: The Fuckin’ Union that Works for You

I was a Teamster, but would glad stand in solidarity with my AFSCME brothers and sisters. This ad features the most wonderful swearing I’ve heard in years. Not work safe, because I want you to get fired.

Lyrics as follows:

Hey, on your way to work tomorrow, ’stead of sittin’ around with your finger up your ass, look aroun’. There’s a union out there called AFSCME an’ they’re bustin’ their balls for you, doin’ alla the shit work you take for granted.
For example, we pick up your fuckin’ garbage.
We got broads out there who keep your kids from gettin’ run over by some hard-on.
We plug up the holes in the roads so you don’ fuck up your car.
We push around a lotta li’l old ladies from Florida.
We’re out there zappin’ rats an’ roaches an’, an’ makin’ sure your kids don’ drink piss from the fuckin’ water fountains. We’re fuckin’ AFSCME, amalgamated, f– federaliza– hey, I don’ know what the fuck it means.
All I know is, we’re hard-workin’, tax-payin’ people like you, and we don’ take shit from nobody. You got that, asshole?
AFSCME. The fuckin’ union that works for you.

2 Responses to “AFSCME: The Fuckin’ Union that Works for You ”

  1. Hah! They DON’T work for me! I

  2. Fuckin’ ay.

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