Three Is The Magic Number, Yes It Is

My general recommendation is that one avoid moving to a new home in the rain. That said, the big movement came out okay over the weekend, and I am only slightly dead as a result.

Sarah, Lisa, Stan, Noah, my mom Reade, her husband John, and Paul all helped me move the vast majority of my stuff on Saturday. It went pretty quick — Lisa and Sarah packed books and kitchen stuff and I ran around lining up furniture and boxes so that we could make a minimum number of trips. I am extraordinarily grateful for all the help moving. Only the Keathlys and John hung around for pizza. (I think — I’m a little fuzzy about Saturday after the second trip)

Second and third doors on the right:

I have the nicest neighbors:

I made bacon right here on Sunday. Sunday has never been more holy than when frying delicious bacon. Interestingly, the fat from four strips is far too much fat for the cooking of three eggs.

I might just be the kind of heathen who has a whole cut up fryer chicken in the freezer alongside two kinds of veggie burgers.

The first thing that I put into the fridge was beer.

Every home needs a garbage room:

This is where the magic happens:

The living room, decorated in an Early Goodwill Bachelor style:

Nothing says class like a thirteen inch TV perched on top of an automotive subwoofer while connected to a brier patch of cables.

Another view of the bass drum coffee table and drum throne ottoman:

I may or may not be sleeping on this couch until I can assemble the futon. A slip cover may or may not happen. Your mileage may vary.

The view from the top:

12 Responses to “Three Is The Magic Number, Yes It Is ”

  1. yay! beer in fridge!

  2. Indubitably. If you have beer requests, please let me know. I will do my best to keep it stocked.

    Also, wine? I think that I should have “wine” for “guests.”

  3. The place looks really nice. Except for that sink. WHAT DID YOU DO TO THAT SINK, YOU HEATHEN?!

  4. You left out the most important detail. In the second-to-last photo, what kind of acoustic guitar is that?
    Geez. Tell me about the house and the drums, and leave out the guitars. Heathen, indeed!

  5. Make slipcovers, check. Refinish table and chairs, check. Rebuild bathroom sink, check. Recycle cardboard boxes, check. Stock fridge with more Summit beer, check. Clean ceiling light globes, check. Buy stock in IKEA, check. Purchase plastic chair seat covers, check.

    I’m so there, Jesse!

  6. Looking good Jesse! Love the coffee table! Your neighbors look slightly familiar, Diane Arbus? or Johnny? Or both?

    Anyone seen my axe?

  7. Please promise me you’ll ride your Big Wheel through the halls for at least a third of the movie. Or at least until the waterfall of blood comes plunging down the stairs.

  8. Note to self: get big wheel and a rain slicker for the waterfall of blood.

    Signe: I bought a signe rug at Ikea today when I picked up a thing that they had to use the forklift to get down. I also bought terje chairs. I’m hoping that when they make bharat somethings and h0bbel other things that they don’t end up being anything too embarrassing.

    I don’t know what the deal with either sink is. One is a weird corner sink, and the other is a sink mounted in the hole of another sink.

  9. w00t! Party at jmo’s house! We should definitely come to Minneapolis for GCon this year :)

  10. w00t! Party at jmo’s house! We should definitely come to Minneapolis for GCon this year :)

    Bah - I’m schultmc, not schultmco!

  11. You can borrow Noah’s big wheel. I so want a picture of him riding it down the hall.

    And yes, “wine” for “guests” would be nice. You need to stock up on some Three Buck Chuck.

    Your mom forgot to list “buy a queen size mattress for the bed frame that is lurking in the Keathly garage.” It should be at the top of the next IKEA list.

  12. Hey, what’s this about “mom” buying more stuff from IKEA? I’ve had to take a night job at Joe’s Highway Diner, Open 24 Hours, just to pay off the last trip to IKEA. I tell you, the people you meet at 3 a.m…… Geez, makes those two sweet little girls pictured above seem like friggin’ angels.

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