The Big Three

1) New Job, full time, gainfully employed by the University of Minnesota as a “civil servant” of some sort.
2) New Apartment, one bedroom, in the Stevens Square neighborhood
3) New Website design, featuring blood, skulls, and pirates, to be launched April 21st.

Those who are following the minutiae of my life will be glad to know that today is the first day of full time hours for me. I’m sitting in the same chair and so far everything is the same, but there are rumors of… meetings. Meetings definitely require a significant pay bump, even if they are productive meetings.

I’ve already blathered seemingly endlessly about my new apartment and how awesomely greatly amazing it is.

I’ve been busy hanging things in the apartment.




Deadly sins, including pixel art:

I also mentioned the website redesign already. I’m super super excited to launch.


2 Responses to “The Big Three ”

  1. That rocks! congratulations on the new living space and the new job!

  2. Wow. Your things look nice when they aren’t arranged in a big pile in my basement.

    Whoda thunk?

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