Let’s Get Back To Business

I’ve been so dramatic lately that you’d think I was a theater major. I’ve been forgetting my true purpose: posting random images for you, the viewing public, to enjoy in 400 pixel glory.

Case in point, hydrangeas and a bee:

A cactus at my mom’s house:

Some other kind of flowers at my mom’s house in a wheelbarrow:

MF lilies:

Some pink kind of flowers:

A scrotum flower:

The scrotum flower in bloom:

Cone flowers:

More cone flowers:

A very wet flower:

I found out like a minute ago that Alec Soth has a blog.

Maybe I should stop taking pictures.

2 Responses to “Let’s Get Back To Business ”

  1. Wow, my scrotum flowers aren’t near as pretty.

  2. I shot that cactus two years ago…


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