Dear Mother
I’m afraid that your stock pot has been stolen by Smelton McNasty and his turkey Turkley.
You’ll have to negotiate with the nefarious twosome.
I’m afraid that your stock pot has been stolen by Smelton McNasty and his turkey Turkley.
You’ll have to negotiate with the nefarious twosome.
24 queries. 0.092 seconds.
Didn’t Smelton McNasty depart with FB Dave?
Hey, Smelton was a former loan officer of mine. He was nasty then and I bet he hasn’t changed a wit. To whit, bring back my pot, dammit, so I’ll at least have something to piss into.
P.S. Is that your original drawing, dear? My, how talented you are. You do prouden a mother’s heart! Have you ever considered writing and illustrating comic books?
I’m really sorry, but after collecting my cookpot tonight, I accidentally ran over and flattened poor Smelton on my way home. Sorry, so sorry. Well, maybe not.