San Francisco Part One

Sarah and I expected to do a lot, so I made notes on pieces of scrap paper and laid them out.
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Before I could vacation, I ran the Gallery booth at the O’Reilly MySql Conference. It was a bit grueling and not enough people wanted to take the candy. I resorted to pixel art. It didn’t help much, but an African American gentleman did give me a look and say that “chocolate needs nuts. Normally I would say something like “I am known for the size of my nuts,” but I just wasn’t ready.
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In fact, I spent the second day completely exhausted — possibly because of the incalculably ridiculous amounts of alcohol provided to me the night before. I resolved to take better care of myself and forced myself to take breaks for meals and not losing my mind.
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Nonetheless, by the third day I was about ready to drop. I forced myself to eat an expensive but amazing breakfast burrito at the conference hotel restaurant and nearly fell asleep waiting.
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It was totally worth it — not just the burrito (which was filled with the fluffiest, moistest, and most delicate eggs I’ve even had occasion to jam in my gobhole), but talking to people at the Gallery booth and then sticking around an extra day to attend some sessions. I didn’t stick around for lunch or the afternoon sessions, though. I preferred to hop on the Caltrain (thanks in part to a friendly lady who operated the ticket machine and called me “hon,” which I find incredibly charming). The Caltrain would take me to Sarah, who had hopefully made San Francisco ready for me.
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While on the train I heard “38th Adventure” by the Hot Springs and put it on repeat for half an hour. Coincidentally, it just came up on random over my stereo, which is probably a sign that I should finish this post and leave the meat of SF for later.
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I hope that you like pictures, ‘cause that’s what you’re gonna get.
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