Apartment: Very Nearly Empty

Noah hung out with me this morning while I waited for the movers to come take my stuff out of my apartment. Despite numerous attempts to get rid of stuff, I still have quite a lot. Noah and I drew ourselves, ninjas, and werewolves while waiting for everything to get done. It seemed to take forever. Afterwards, we had pizza at Snap!.

I drove to Wisconsin to visit my grandparents very briefly. My grandfather seems smaller every time I see him. I have finally started calling him “Grandpa Moon,” and I don’t know why I never did it sooner. It’s after “Moon Mullins,” which was a comic way back in the way back day. Anyway, it was sad and a bit hard. I hadn’t seen them in a while, and it could be longer before I get back.

Tonight, Stan went with me to carry things out to my car that will travel with me, like the Friedlander book of Cray photos that Sarah bought for me, a garbage bag full of snacks for the drive, and other miscellaneous things that I still have to sort through.


2 Responses to “Apartment: Very Nearly Empty ”

  1. Travel safe, homie. I trust you will update as soon as you arrive?

  2. In my experience when heading west it is best to get 20 oxen and set a grueling pace. No need to spend money on rations up front when stopping to hunt is so much fun. Oh, and never try to ford the river on your own. It is always too deep.

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