The Big Show

I went back to Minnesota last weekend for the opening of my joint show with Paul Armstrong: un/dead. It was pretty awesome. Sarah busted her ass to do all the things that I should have done were I there. Paul busted ass to get more than his half of the show done. Really, I just showed up, hung some of my stuff, and drank a couple of beers. No big deal.


I went back to Minnesota. I miss my mom.

I miss Noah.





I’m kicking myself because I let Sarah run the camera all weekend, so I really didn’t get any pictures of her. Her new haircut is really cute, and her eyes are blue as hell. She’s coming to California soon, but really not soon enough.

2 Responses to “The Big Show ”

  1. It was a great show, sweetheart! I was glad to have you back for a while.

  2. Jesse - this is SO cool!! I am waiting for the photos to load (work is being slow) but I can’t wait to look at what Sarah took of the event. Envious!

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