If You Love the Sea So Much

While trawling the internet for awesomeness, a rogue wave lashed me upon the rocks of this site: a collection of woodcuts and other art.

One particular page is their series of ocean-related work, and I want them all.

However, the most goodest stuff is sold out.

For those of you who click through into the full post (which you should always do!), may I also show you this?

Lots of people prepare for the zombie apocalypse, but as this shirt illustrates: there is no rescue from the robots.

3 Responses to “If You Love the Sea So Much ”

  1. Oh my god! Their prints are absolutely brilliant!

  2. Must own shirt. You can use it for wrapping paper for my birthday I-phone. :]

  3. I love the Treehouse, and the tee-shirt, Three Penguins in a Boat. Rocks in the Canoe is pretty catchy as well. The Field Mouse is swell too, as well as Crows, and Skunk. I’m also kind of partial to High Seas Drifter. Lovely work.

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