
Right before Thanksgiving of last year, I stopped in Portland to visit Melody and Jay. I wish they lived about ten or eleven hours closer. Their son, Noah, demonstrates that Noahs are good things.

Jay and I walked around downtown Portland, and my immediate reaction was that it was cool, beautiful, and probably a place that I could comfortably live. I tried to put such things out of my head, since I had just moved several thousand miles in the prior three months, and did not need to have such considerations running through my head.


Shenanigans were few, and next time I will have to stick around longer. I’ll likely actually do some “things to do in Portland” research. Come to think of it, I need to do that research about the bay area, since my mother is going to be here in April. Thing one: clean my apartment. Whew, I have two months! (actually, I’m starting to put together a list of must-dos for the area).

(here be shenanigans)

2 Responses to “Portland! ”

  1. I don’t think we can ever get the two Noah’s together. Their combined cuteness alone would blind the world.

    Do you really think you could handle the weather in Portland? Because, dude, Seattle & Portland are two places we would love to move. California? Meh, not as much. Too much with the pricey, although the sunny is nice. Are their less expensive areas of the warmth to live? We need to figure this out before we can afford to sell our house. :]

  2. Wait, what’s happening here? Is Mom being abandoned by ALL her kids? You ungrateful, oops, adventurous young souls….

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