Sep 4, 2000 at 05:28am

  • Mon, Sep 4, 2000 at 05:28am:
    by jmullan

    Well, I've been trying to update the sites that exist on this server, with a certain amount of success. I have installed php4, albeit without proper gd support. argh. I've been working towards the end goal of making this website more dynamic. I can now enter these server notes over the web. It's a small thing, but it involves php and mysql. I've gotten the SELECT, INSERT, and UPDATE syntax figured out, but it's not over yet.

    I suppose I should also mention that over on I updated the schedule page to pull from MySQL tables. Woo hoo. Of course, I didn't do a sweet-ass entry page for that like I did for this- this was easy since there's only one table (so far).

    Server issues:

    your sysop (Jesse Mullan) :)

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