A New Month brings a New Blog

I missed making an April Fool's Day blog by a few hours. Oh well.

In other news, more resumes are going out. I spent a couple of hours in another temp agency today, acing all the tests and hopefully kicking booty in the interview.

Someday we'll find it- the rainbow connection- but in the meantime, you can find me at the Minneapolis Convention Center this weekend. I'll be up on the mezzanine, not at the World of Wheels like I had previously suspected. Damnit, though, I was really hoping to see Mini-Me. Sonofa!

Kory got the new DirecTiVO installed today. Super sweet, except that there will be NO TIVO HACKING, even though the USB port on the back is begging for an ethernet adapter. I want TivoWeb, dang it. :P

P.S.: I need a new keyboard.

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