Meet the new boss

We call him him “New Gabe.” I was listening to mp3s, but then he told me that he had found out the name of the song that I remembered from Radio K back in the day: “Make Me a Sandwich” by TS/MattiX, probably off of the Mechanical Man E.P. released on Deviant Subculture. Zach said that he would use his secret former-DJ powers to see if he could get more info for me so that I could acquire that song for my own nefarious uses. After that, I put on Radio K, and Zach told me to turn it off because his speakers were better, so he put it on. Gabe should be gone every day.

IMG 1169

Yes, I am back in the office with the view of trees and occasionally the river, if I stand up. Also, the U released funds into my checking account, so my frantic demands and shouting on my blog appear to have been successful. As soon as my bank agrees that it has received those monies I will immediately buy a pony.

The only mention of TS/ MattiX that I could find on the internet was here:

I would have let you google for it yourself, but the link on google is broken, through no fault of google’s.

2 Responses to “Meet the new boss ”

  1. Gabe will be back tomorrow. Maybe I should just not come in so you will get to log into a computer.

  2. Unless we will once again be plagued by ill tempers, I would rather be on the shady mac than Paul-less.

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