Bright, bright, bright sunshiny day

Stan woke me up again this morning, but this time it was so I could talk to the totally awesome Qwest tech, who came out and ran his fingers over the wiring to unleash extra decibels of awesome out of the modem. This may or may not solve the rain problem, but it was nice to talk to someone who actually knew what the hell was going on.

Stan woke me up again this morning, but this time it was so I could talk to the totally awesome Qwest tech, who came out and ran his fingers over the wiring to unleash extra decibels of awesome out of the modem. This may or may not solve the rain problem, but it was nice to talk to someone who actually knew what the hell was going on.

This is exactly what he did:

  1. Install an inline filter on the first pair coming in to the house from the outside box.
  2. Splice in to the line pre-filter and bring that in on pair two.
  3. Redo my splice downstairs that brought the phone upstairs.
  4. Put a new biscuit jack on the end of the cable up in my room with a “phone” jack and a “dsl” jack.

These are all things that I considered doing, except that I couldn’t have done it at the box outside, so it would have been a giant hassle. That’s why I never did those things. Also, it doesn’t rain inside. Also, I’m lazy.

Oh yeah, I asked him if he was union, and he said yes and that his union would probably be going on strike soon because the contract is coming up and Qwest wants to make workers start paying for their own health insurance, with no equivalent raise in pay. Even if they were to get a raise in pay to cover the $3k a year, WHAT THE FUCK? Honestly, people. Wow. That’s just fucking evil. What am I gonna have to do, switch to a cable modem? Would Comcast be any better? (no)

2 Responses to “Bright, bright, bright sunshiny day ”

  1. The Right Tech

    It is so great when you get a techie who knows what’s going on….

  2. Just ran across this randomly.

    I’ll see your “What the fuck,” and raise you a “Are you fucking kidding me?”

    The execs at these companies already make a few hundred times what the real workers are making. We need to take aware their health insurance to raise the factors from 200 to 201, or what?

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