I dream I’m on an island with that foxy lady too

Won’t you take me away
And take away me

I rode the bus instead of my bike today because it was raining while I was getting ready, and Lisa said that it would likely rain more. I forgot my “leave an hour early to get there on time” rule, so of course I was late. Hooray for me! I totally should have done this last year - it’s just a 4 to the 2, and the stops are within a block of each other.

2 Responses to “I dream I’m on an island with that foxy lady too ”

  1. I ride the bus, but I keep leaving a half hour early and end up 15 minutes early for being early for class… meaning that I’m still a half hour early. How the hell does that happen?

  2. Jess - do you want a ride home tonight or do the buses both run late?

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