Reverend Jesse Patrick Mullan

This is to certify that the bearer hereof Reverend Jesse Patrick Mullan has been ordained this Fourth day of November, 1995.

601 3RD ST.
(209) 527-8111
Reverend Jesse Patrick Mullan

On behalf of Reverend Hensley and the church itself, Jesse Patrick Mullan I select, appoint, and anoint you a legally ordained minister ofthe Universal Life Church. WELCOME to the ministry of the Universal Life Church. YOUR ministerial ordination has been entered into the database of the International Headquarters of the church in Modesto, California. International Headquarters Universal Life Church
601 Third Street
Modesto California 95351
209-527-8111 (voice)
209-527-8116 (fax)
800-311-2991 ULC 800# for Recorded Ordinations by Telephone (E-Mail to Brother Daniel for Questions about the ULC)

We believe everyone is already a member of the church and is just not aware of it as yet.

The church encourages (and I ask) that you ordain your friends and relatives on the web site. The ordination of new ministers is the single most important act a new minister can perform to promote the growth and welfare of the church as a body of believers in the right of freedom of religion and to do that which is right.

The Universal Life Church will ordain anyone that asks without question of faith, for life, without a fee. The church has two tenets: the absolute right of freedom of religion and to do that which is right. Anything else, within the law, is allowed. As an ordained minister of the church, you too may ordain new ministers. The Universal Life Church will not stand between you and your God and recognizes that each person must choose his own path. Each person in the ULC is free to follow any path as long as it does not infringe on the rights of others.

YOU are authorized to contact your local media sources and “show them the way” to the church’s WWW site and when there is a story or feature about the church, the Universal Life Church will bestow upon you the Doctor of Divinity Degree. No other church or denomination grants such authority and respect.

Brother Daniel


Be sure to check out the site later this month. It is being GREATLY enhanced with many of the church’s publications, including THE UNIVERSAL LIFE CHURCH TEXTBOOk, available for viewing and FTP downloading free of any costs.

NEXT month there will be video and audio clips added.

MANY of the degrees, courses of instruction, and even the SAINT CERTIFICATE will be available for viewing.

Keep track of the web site and things will be happening!

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