Oh, snap, guess what I saw

Snap! Pizza and Ice Cream
2851 Johnson Street NE
Minneapolis, MN 55418
(612) 788-9800

Snap! has been open in Northeast Minneapolis for a couple of weeks now, and this household continues to order the pizza. We ordered a BBQ chicken and a pepperoni/(green olive|sausage) pizza last time, and they were again much better than any of the chain pizzas that we could order. However, whereas the first pizza we had ordered was a little burnt on the bottom, the crusts of these pizzas were underdone. They didn’t have any… snap at all. The crust was too doughy and tasted too wheaty. On the plus side, the sausage came in large spicy chunks and the BBQ chicken was the equal of any that I have ever had, except for the crust. If they improve their baking techniques, their dough recipe and their bland red sauce I will be very happy instead of just happy.

We still won’t be ordering from Papa John’s.

4 Responses to “Oh, snap, guess what I saw ”

  1. papa john’s is generally nasty, but their new dessert pizza, the cinnamon one, holy delicious, batman.

    think 8th deadly sin…butter.

    there’s gotta be at least 2 sticks per pie.

    *ahem* ok i’m talking way too much about food –uhh, back to muu-muu shopping! :-p

  2. P.S.
    “…A fella tongue-kissin’ my girl in the mouth,
    I was so in shock my heart went down south,
    So please listen to the message that I say,
    Don’t ever talk to a girl who says she just has a friend”

  3. We were down at Captain Kutchie’s to get something to Eat. When Kutchie walked out of the kitchen and up to the bar. He was carrying a Whole Key Lime cock, he turned and planted that whole cock into, someone sitting at the bar, Face! I thought that we were in a Soupy Sales Show. It was that Weird at first, actually it was about the funniest thing that I think that I have ever seen. Kutchie Pelaez is the owner of this key west bar & grill. His place is really a wild and crazy place. Something always fun going on there. The food there is to kill for. Kutchie’s is Famous for his Goody Goody Cheese Burgers. The Ones that Jimmy Buffet wrote a song about. Kutchie also makes the greatest key lime cock in the world. I wish that he had planted that cock into my face instead of that bar-fly. That’s my story and am sticking with it. Love Ya Kutch…………. Jane Skinner

  4. wat

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