Written on Wednesday, the 15th of February, 2006 at 12:11 pm and was filed under: Diversions
Hooray for Zach!
A very merry Unbirthday to YOU! To who? A very merry Unbirthday to YOU! To me? To YOU!
no zach, to YOU
That song is the best part of Alice in Wonderland.
I will say that Lewis CArrol was a pervy bastard who liked draw pictures of naked little girls. Samurai Cat, sigh…
It wasn’t Carrol’s fault that he had hot nieces.
I’m sorry, but WHAT?
Are you a human?
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A very merry Unbirthday to YOU!
To who?
A very merry Unbirthday to YOU!
To me?
no zach, to YOU
That song is the best part of Alice in Wonderland.
I will say that Lewis CArrol was a pervy bastard who liked draw pictures of naked little girls. Samurai Cat, sigh…
It wasn’t Carrol’s fault that he had hot nieces.
I’m sorry, but WHAT?