
AppleHaters.gif (GIF Image, 640x1050 pixels)

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iProduct.gif (GIF Image, 640x1050 pixels)

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Or… what’s in the secret box?

Maybe a delightful iBook or PowerBook. MMMmmmm….

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Yay! Mac mini!

Apple - Mac mini

In the spirit of puppies and kittens, Apple released the new Mac mini upon the world. So cute! I want one! ^_^ !

Oh, wait, there’s no expansion room for a second video card for dual-headed glory. Sonofa.

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Rasmus on Macs

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly Powerbook - Rasmus’ Toys Page

Hey, look, Rasmus (yes, that Rasmus) got a Powerbook and has some stuff to say about it. Again, it is a person who is just more organized than I.

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Mac annoyances part two?

Putting the Mac Aside in 2005
I keep meaning to expand on things that annoy me about the Mac. Imagine my surprise to find someone else doing my dirty work!

I’m still thinking about an iBook or Powerbook for school. Not that I have any money, so I will continue using my free laptop from Stan - the one with the missing audio jack that completely disables the audio. :(

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My Highly Useful Generic Enterprise-wide Tool

Here some things that you might like to use to do various things.

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A new NEW job

Though the weather outside is frightful… Oh! Wait, I mean, the weather outside is beautiful, and I was up at the crack of nine to go into my new place of employment.

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A new NEW car!

It's new to me:

The car in its original packaging
Green Lion and Red Lion

Green Lion and Red Lion - now form Voltron!

No, not really. I got a new USED car. $800 and a trip to Saint Cloud to meet a nice couple of teachers. Lisa and Noah came with - we put the car seat, DVD player, and a portable screen in my red car - and Noah was really good the whole way! The car is a 1995 Subaru Impreza LX with an automatic transmission.

As you may know, I already have a red (crimson pearl) 1996 Impreza LX (which I still have a painful love for [story of my life]), but that car is missing a headlight and needs a ton of work that I have ignored over the last couple of years while doing things like paying off my credit cards (and that car itself).

Anyway, Lisa can drive the red car to the grocery store until I figure out what to do with it. My gut says to start throwing money at it again, but we will see. I know how much the bodywork will likely cost. I have a vague idea of the cost of doing the brakes (the rotors are warped) and fixing that lingering tapping sound in the engine that is probably a leaky oil pump seal. In the meantime I have a more reliable car that is only missing A/C and cruise control. Also, the outside is beat to heck - apparently the former owner did not know how to park.
Okay, so now I have a red one and a green one - all I need are the yellow, blue, and black ones and I can form Voltron.

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