Melody makes me extra funny.

So, I’m still trying to think of a costume. Melody was helping me over AIM, and this happened.

“I should be HERPES!”
“What are you supposed to be?”
“You’re not wearing a costume.”
“I’m not flaring up right now.”

It’s hard to attribute each line, but 1, 4, and 5 were mine. 2 and 3 were her. Uh, nevermind.

Other ideas:
Pan (all I need are furry pants)
Bacchus/Dionysius (purple toga, grape wreath, and unbelievable amounts of booze) (basically just write HOT CARL on myself)
THE KRAKEN (either a squid costume or a prog rock band)

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What to do with a Halloween invitation that you don’t really want

I have a feverish imagination.

So… are you going?


He’s a nice guy, but…

He’s so weird!


So, are you going to Paul’s thing?


Dude, totally.

Oh, don’t throw away that invite here, he might see it. That’s be mean.

Yeah. Awww, crap, he’s probably gonna be at Paul’s thing.

Well, I’m just gonna say that I’ll be there if I can get a ride out to Northeast.

Yeah, thank goodness he lives in the middle of nowhere. I’m totally using that excuse. Or I’ll say that I lost the invite.

Of course, maybe I imagined none of this, but was merely on the other side of the cubicle wall filing something, and then later I saw the invites in the bottom of the dumpster in the basement of Coffman. You all said that I was paranoid for searching all the garbages, but who is the crazy one now? WHO IS THE CRAZY ONE NOW?

I’m thinking of wearing a tinfoil hat for my Halloween costume.

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If you don’t, how will you know how clever I am?


Penny Arcade is way funnier than me.

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Have you had a glass of melonade today?

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