I Was In a Deep Sleep

i napped
I really meant to go vote, I just wanted to close my eyes for a minute…

Like Rhonda Shears and Gilbert Godfried I was up all night. This had deleterious effects on my sanity today. When I got home I slipped into a coma crossways in the big chair. I’m kind of ashamed of myself for not stopping on the way to school, or on the way home, or after I got home when Lisa and Stan offered to drop me off. Okay, terribly ashamed.

I wish that my classes were at night again, this interleaving classes into work really blows.

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New York, New York


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Just effing great

Well, rolling back to testing didn’t seem to do the trick. I ran memcheck86 for like two hours and it didn’t find any problems with the RAM in the server. I just rolled back to apache2/stable. I have no idea what side effects that will introduce, but at some point the server gets shut up and I visit the bridge with the shoe tree and try to find a shortcut to the water.

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