
I just bought a ticket from to Doomtree’s show at the Varsity on the 10th. Paul bought two. Go, buy your own ticket! Do it! Be there for awesome!

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Good Morning!

I’ve said it before:

I am not a morning person.

When I mention that I have difficulty waking up in the morning, this sort of exchange happens:
“Can you set two alarms?”
“I have two alarms, plus my computer plays music, and I have a light on a timer.”
“Oh, well, yes, I guess you have that fairly well covered. Are they loud enough?”
“One of my alarm clocks is designed for deaf and hard of hearing persons — it has a vibrating attachment that slides under my pillow.”
“Well. Um, can you have someone call you in the morning?”
“Are you volunteering?”
“No, well, uh…”

Jerks. In the past a lot of the time I just couldn’t sleep at night. Now I’m down to one cup of coffee in the morning and no caffiene any other time (except for chocolate, which is my real weakness of late, but still I don’t indulge in more than half a bag of Reese’s Mini Peanut Butter Cups at a time). So, when I don’t have last-minute homework I can usually fall asleep by midnight. Okay, two. Three? I have no idea any more, because tonight I did have last minute homework.

Well, I’m going to sleep. I left a note for Lisa to call in the nine thirty AM region of time. That’s right after the nine AM region of time.

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