Where To Eat Out

Terry and Craig were over dropping off a hard drive for their PC and the Keathlys and I were having a sit down with them about all sorts of stuff, including food (of course). For those of you who don’t know Craig (you might have met him at the Halloween Party, but by the time he showed up, I, uh, well, I’m not sure if he came or not, but I think he was there). Anyway, he works at Pizza Biga, and we talked about all sorts of pizza places around town. Angino’s came up (and not necessarily in a positive light) and Stan asked which place we were talking about.

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Tonight is apparently some sort of thing with the time and everything, like 01:02:03 04/05/06. I dunno, I just imagined my finances, and there’s no way that I can afford to move forward on my general plans without a fairly sizeable cash infusion. I looked at the online personal student loans and it’s like imagining towing a battleship. I have friends with massive debts, but up until now I’ve been doing fairly well just by having loans for tuition (and theoretically books, but the disbursements always come so late that the books were paid for by some other means — like hooking), so my loans have been holding steady at like $8k per year — maybe more, I just close my eyes and think of England.

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