Comes with leopard print seats

jessepmullan: if I ever own a car company, we will release an OMG edition
paul: ha ha ha
paul: Mullan OMG
paul: i want a Mullan OMG
jessepmullan: The Mullan Leopard OMG
jessepmullan: You can order it with the Z package
jessepmullan: but if you want the OMGWTFBBQ package you can’t get the Z package
jessepmullan: the Z package is for racing

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What About the BOUS?

The Balls Of Unusual Size? I don’t think they exist.

The other day when I was sick I watched the Princess Bride. Is it just me or is practically every line in that movie quotable?

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I Think You Mean Woodland Creatures

I had a dream this morning where a midget had some sort of attack, and the 911 dispatcher transferred me to a doctor who said that the term for a little person is a “woodland creature.” I was really confused in the dream, because I didn’t see how that was going to get paramedics to the scene any sooner.

Then I got up and made myself a huge breakfast with beef, beans, rice, baby spinach, eggs, cheese, and a tortilla. It almost made up for the sleep that I had missed.

Tomorrow I make a whole new Internets for the Whole Music Club. Hooray.

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