I Hope That You Like Books

Hey! It’s about time for new school books! Considering that for the fall semester I spent $500 on books and $711 on camera stuff (not including the flash that I bought for the wedding), this semester’s bill of about $120 to $150 ain’t so bad. I suppose that I didn’t need that 50mm lens for the photo class, but — no, I did. I sleep with it like a teddy bear. I do still have most of a box of paper left. Hmm.

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Carl’s Introduction to teh Internets I

Spring 2007 Classes:
ARTH 3940 Topics in Art History (topic: Alfred Hitchcock is awesome)
CSCI 1121 Introduction to teh Internets 1 (with Carl Sturtivant)
CSCI 4061 Intro Oper Sys
CSCI 5161 Intro Compilers

Yes. I did it. I signed up to bask in the radiant glory of Carl Sturtivant one more time. We’re gonna get the shirts made. This I swear.

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