Help The Police

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Can’t See The Forest

Okay, WTF, why am I awake? Stupid second wind. Well, Sarah did go to the trouble of developing my B and W film, so…

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Fill My Belly, Tiny Sandwich

My brain tells me that I was up until five last night hunched over the laptop writing code. I expect only the craziest of thoughts all day as a result.

Oh, I totally woke up from a dream with the fix for a coding problem that I was having. Crazy times.

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What Goes Up?

I got the negatives back from the first roll of print film to pass through my new camera. I had Target process them and give me an index print, but didn’t get any prints, so I had to fix my desktop and get the slide scanner running again before I could see if the steampunk-style focusing of my new Yashica Auto Focus (circa 1978 or so) actually worked. Indeed, the loud grinding of whirring and grinding of gears did in fact yield reasonable focus, but at 28mm, I’d hope the lens could get there.

Here’s some snow:

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