Dear Media Temple, Again

I very much appreciate your peace offering of two shirts, a coffee mug, and three lanyards, but what I really want is an apology and a definition of a GPU in finite terms.

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Fight Spam With Arthur

With apologies to the Tick. For a long time I spent hours a day deleting spam comments from my blog. I used to update my naughty word blacklists on a regular basis. I lost time like a blackout drunk, only without all the “oh gosh I ruined my life so maybe I’d better never delete spam again business.” These days I’m above all that.

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Rise Or Rust

I heard some kind of clatter from the fifth floor of Coffman as I was heading home tonight. Out front local band Rise or Rust was playing. I didn’t know it was them, so I was about to leave, but they surprised me with “Folsom Prison Blues,” and it wasn’t terrible, so I hung around. By the second song I remembered that I had my camera.

Trucker hat
Rise or Rust

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