Sonofa Grand Old Day

My coworker Trent strolled into the office today looking for me.

“Hey, where’d you go yesterday? I was looking for you so I could get you on stage to take pictures.”

So, uh, I missed out on getting on stage with Tapes N Tapes (at the edge, anyway) because I took two steps back to get out of the way of drunk people. Oh well.

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Grand Old Day

Holy smokes: my feet are beat and my skin is burnt. I shot 932 pictures today. I have to go through them before I can plop them on the internets like a fancy chapeau on a pug dog, but I thought that you might like to know that I did indeed make it out to see Dessa and Tapes N [sic] Tapes.

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Last Time on Jesse Mullan

Memorial Day weekend was unexpectedly busy.

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