Dear Google Password Assistance,
Please stop sending me notices that someone is trying to reset my gmail password — especially since I am reading them in gmail itself. Obviously I have not forgotten my password.
Thank you.
Please stop sending me notices that someone is trying to reset my gmail password — especially since I am reading them in gmail itself. Obviously I have not forgotten my password.
Thank you.
Have you ever gotten an email that you read over and over again out of excitement?
I may have accidentally made a Death Cab for Cutie song tonight.
Another entry into the “Daily Doodle.”
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The Minnesota Daily has some sort of “give us content for free” promotion running where they expect people to draw them pictures. So far they haven’t printed my entries.
I scratched my eye this morning. The cornea heals pretty fast, so usually when this happens (when it is dry or something gets in it), I just go back to sleep for a couple of hours and it feels better (although tender). I called in with the proviso that I might be back this afternoon. Anyway, 800mg of ibuprofen and four more hours of sleep later I couldn’t keep my eyes shut any longer, but it still hurts to the point that I have a headache.
I might go watch tv with a black sock for an eye patch. Maybe that will also fix my lazy eye.
I got a letter from my doctor today. The news was not very pleasant.
Dear Jesse:
Here are your recent cholesterol results:
Total cholesterol = 283 (normal is <200)
Triglyceride - 348 (normal is <150)
HDL (good cholesterol) - 32 (optimal is >35)
LDL (bad cholesterol) - 181 (optimal is < 130)These results are not optimal.
One of the University’s English professors took the time to write a lovely editorial for the Minnesota Daily.
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