San Francisco Part Two

I’d hate for anyone to think that it’s all doom and gloom. After all, I did just go on vacation with Sarah.

We walked from the Palace of Fine Arts to Sausalito via the Golden Gate Bridge, then took a ferry back. I am terrified of heights, so I accidentally crapped my pants while crossing the bridge.

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Ups and Downs of Doodling

I haven’t posted the last batch of doodles because I don’t know that people really want to see a post with twenty insane drawings in it pop up amidst their feed reader. While on one hand I post entirely for my own benefit, I hate to grief those people who take it upon themselves to follow my meandering rambles. That said, there is doodle news — no, I didn’t win a weekly thing or get posted in the Weisman, but I did get an email:

[We] were wondering if you would be interested in doing an
illustration for one of the stories for the finals issue… it would be
about Bruininks.. more information to follow if you are so inclined.

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