It Would Be Nice

It would be nice if on a day when I come bouncing and dancing into work, ready to kick ass and take names, if I would not get phone calls where the party at the other end starts crying. That’s just an FYI. I’m not saying that people should stop calling me at work and crying, but it would be nice if they didn’t have to.

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Make With The Funny

Lisa, Paul, and Kassie all want me to go back to posting every thirty seconds. Bharat says two posts per day, and they have to be good.

“Who is this Bharat fellow?” you might ask, and that would be a reasonable question, because you might not know about my late nights struggling to program my way out of a paper bag. Volunteering on the Gallery project has taught me more about programming than all of my programming and computer science courses together. On the other hand, I had never quite gotten object orientation except as a handy way to do things until the elaboring variable scoping puzzles presented in Scheme form in CSci 1901. Bharat was my almost-mentor for a long time. When I was at my lowest he tried very hard to talk to me about it, despite not seeming to understand very well. He used to kick me in the ass when I was dragging. I used to have a faux bumper sticker up in my cubicle: “I’d rather be programming.” If it weren’t for Gallery, and by extension Bharat, I wouldn’t be, and I wouldn’t call myself a programmer.

Things that will stop me from posting this fall:

  1. 16 credits of classes (”Post in class,” she says. “Buy me a new laptop,” I respond)
  2. Actually working at work. I love my job. We aren’t changing the world, but, uh, free movies at Coffman? That has to be a good thing.
  3. When I get home from all that my brain will be well and truly fried, so I will likely just watch tv and write code until I fall asleep.
  4. I have a friend who actually appreciates my fistfuls of metaphor. She might just receive all the written output that I would produce.
  5. I might get tired of all the narcississtic blather that I produce and go back to using this site as a place for public notes.
  6. I like to make lists
  7. Lists of lists
  8. Tra la la

Oh yeah, I mentioned that I am considering writing a novel, and Kassie suggested that I write it on my blog. I’ve seen that done, and it only works if the reader has kept up to date because of the reverse ordering thing. I suppose that I could write a little php magic to put novel posts in order on a special page, but, uh never mind. I shouldn’t have said anything, because once you say that you are going to do something you look like a jackass when you don’t end up doing it.

It should be noted that I still post more than everyone except maybe Paul.

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