Moving To Anoka?

Yes, it’s pretty certain that I will be moving to Anoka as soon as I get transportation ironed out again. I know that I have made my views on the suburbs plain, but Cake Woman works in Anoka and already lives two blocks from work. She would like to continue walking to work.

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My New Stomach Tattoo


Hellz Yes

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Dear Art-A-Whirl That I Miss Every Year

I think that you know where this letter is going…

I did, however, get to Kate and Pete’s wedding, where I took a few pictures.

Kate and Pete Almost Kiss

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One, Two, Stadium’s Coming For You

Twins ballpark nightmare comes true

“How can you sleep?” asked Jerry Bell, the Minnesota Twins chief stadium negotiator. That’s a good question. Didn’t all the parents of the neighborhood lock the stadium in the boiler room and set it on fire? Now it’s back to haunt our dreams — except they’re real!

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