Swearing Is Its Own Reward


It’s As Cold As a Foreigner Song Out Here

There were grain elevators between the day rate parking lots and the train tracks by Mariucci arena on campus. I saw them every day when I drove to campus. The University recently demolished them to make way for some new abomination – possibly a stadium. Sarah, Chandler, and Donald had plans to go photograph the elevators first and they kindly invited me along at a point when even Sarah barely knew me.

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What keeps you warm at night?

Why hasn’t anyone else ever taken a picture of the horizon as the sun dips down? Amazing. I’m so full of ideas.

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Other, better things


One of my monitors died last week, so I bought a nice new one. It was a bribe to get me to work on my CSci5161 homework. It seems to have worked! Hooray!

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Karmelkorn Cameleon

Zach was doing his best to distract me here at work by singing.

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Magical Thinking

What is it that makes us think that wishes we cast change anything?

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