In the Big Rock Candy Mountain

I would have to say that tonight was the most successful night of my apartment yet: we used all of the forks, dirtied all of the dishes, and an expedition was led to the park that ended with the thorough enjoyment of “O Brother Where Art Thou” by all. But wait, there’s more: we discussed a trip to Ax Man in the next week to acquire “stuff” to make a “cardboard pirate ship.” I’m so happy, and next week’s Goonies will be even better.

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Go To Sleep You Little Baby

The clock in my computer is telling me in no uncertain terms that it is officially now Wednesday. If you aren’t aware, Wednesdays are the days when SSCO shows movies in Stevens Square Park. That’s today, so if you would like to see “O Brother Where Art Thou,” show up around dusk. Last night (yestertoday? did I make up that word already?) Sarah helped me clean my apartment because some of our friends will be here slightly in advance of the showing. Apparently not you, because I have TRIED to tell you that they show these films and STILL your complaint is “I don’t want to be accidentally or purposefully shot while watching a movie in the park.” So far no one has been shot, so I don’t want to hear any more of your whining.

July 11th: O Brother, Where Art Thou?
July 18th: Goonies
July 25th: Ghostbusters
August 1st: On the Waterfront

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