The Golden Ticket!

Tim Burton is a genius! I was laughing uncontrollably during Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Stan was not as amused. I think that the movie was just too crazy for him.

Tonight I will be watching either the Corporation or the Motorcycle Diaries. Either way I will finally go over to the Red Menace. Mmmm… delicious communism.

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Waiting is hard

Despite the bombastic nature of my blog, I’m a quiet, relaxed person. I’m actually shy, which I overcome by putting on my comedy face and promoting laughter. I can share words with a confident swagger, but sometimes when I am picking those words for just one person they become much harder to put in order. In a conversation I can just pick up on the tone and topic and run with it. What do you do when contacting a person with unknown expectations? Anyway, I’m doing my best to be relaxed about the whole thing. I hope she’s at least flattered. I’m going to go do something fun in a temperature controlled environment now so I can figure out if I am sweating because of the campfire I have going in my bedroom or if I’m just nervous. At least I get marshmallows. Delicious.

Of course, as I started to write this post a problem developed with Samba on my linux box so I was cut off from music just as I figured out which Mountain Goats song Dallas Orbiter played last night: Back in Black — the Palmcorder Yajna mix. Now there is a singalong song. Everything is fine again, but restarting cost me two hours of music logging that would have put the Mountain Goats up pretty high in my stats. Well, audioscrobbler got it.

No booze jokes today. Sorry it took so long to send that email yesterday.

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Eastern Tiger Swallowtail

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Papilio glaucus
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Papilio glaucus
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail<br />
Papilio glaucus

This butterfly was in my mom’s garden. It wouldn’t hold still.

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Just twenty bones

Legenda del milagro — 100% de agave

Good tequila can be hard to find, especially on the cheap. Bad tequila is like paint thinner. This was pretty smooth in my margaritas.

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Enter the Hexagon

404′ed! The Soft Rocks
Awesome! Redstart
Rock! Dallas Orbiter

What a great night of rock. Stan was salivating over the Wrens concert, but I went to the Dallas Orbiter show, which was the second D O night in a row. All I said about the Friday show was that Orchestra Hall doesn’t have any bass, but that spacy feeling that was washing over me wasn’t just the Nut Brown Ale. Apparently the monitors were lacking and the plexiglass in front of Greg was keeping anyone from hearing him. That spacy feeling was the band all kind of doing their own thing simultaneously. Tonight was tight and loopy.

Here’s the set list:
Sweet Home Alabama (cover)
Sweet Home Alabama (cover)
Sweet Home Alabama (original)
Back in Black (cover)
et cetera

There was a Mountain Goats cover in there, a Wire cover, that other song that they do that I love that I can’t remember the name of (although it was very likely the first Sweet Home Alabama). When I left I was two CDs heavier. I had been so thoroughly rocked out that there was no rocking left in me.

Greg still hasn’t posted the pictures that I took at the Kitty Cat Klub. Everyone was raving, and I haven’t even gotten to see them.

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