Finally, Bacon

I awoke to a horrendous kitchen clatter this morning: Donald was making pancakes from fairy dust and air, but assembling them with a demonic hand crank egg beater. I also smelled bacon, but it was the strong desire to void Thanksgiving’s wine, tea, brandy and Sarah brand Plum Hooch that pulled me out of my wool blanket cocoon. I peed for nearly an hour.


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Children, Clocks

This morning I woke up on Jay and Melody’s comfortable couch and looked out their patio door into sunny woods. I pulled the covers over my head and returned to sleep. Later, I called in for the daily scrum, a meeting intended to be performed standing so everyone runs through their tasks without sidetracking.

“Are you being attacked by dogs?” my boss asked. It was baby Noah warbling.

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The Aroma

I will be heading to Tacoma by way of Portland for Thanksgiving. It will be a long drive there and back, and I am saddened that Sarah won’t be meeting me there as originally planned, and that I can’t take Donald and Mary Ann with to visit with Jay and Melody in Portland and then Donald and Chandler in Tacoma, but this is how it worked out. As it stands, I will likely drive the coast all the way back.

TechnoDonald and Mary Ann: Would you do me the honor of sharing a make up Thanksgiving after the regular Thanksgiving? My treat?

RegularDonald and Chandler: CAN HAZ BACONS?

I will ask everyone more politely later. I’m just so excited for another road trip.

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Didja Get That Thing I Sent Ya?

I got a very special package from Norway the other day. Thank you, h0bbel, thank you. Words cannot express!

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Sick and Back Again

Sarah came to California to hand deliver the flu. I picked her up from the airport and installed her on my newish couch with soup, tea, orange juice, and her particular brand of incomprehensibly Australian soap opera involving sweaty wrestling cowboy brothers. Sarah’s fever doubled after watching two episodes, and by the time two deaths were faked she burst into flames.

“Don’t make fun of me!” she hollered as I chortled over the clairvoyance of one of the main sisters — or was it a cousin? A friend? I don’t know. In any case, by Saturday she was feeling mostly better so we went to the ocean.


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Noah and the Keathlys (and apparently Sarah) sent me a Halloween card with a temporary mustache tattoo enclosed. I am pleased.
Picture 7

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Lonely As a Cloud in the Golden State

I’m fairly sure that I was promised endless summer and sunshine when I agreed to move to California. It rained Friday night, Saturday, and is raining today. Then again, I did enjoy nearly two months of ridiculously constant sun, and since the patio door is open, I can hear the gentle rainfall while I debug things for work.


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