You Smell Like Boy

Occasionally, girls tell me that I smell very good. I think that’s because I use cologne. It looks like it’s finally getting wide release, so I won’t have to order it off of the internet:


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Help The Police

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Maria Bamford

Did you see Maria in the Comedians of Comedy tour? Did you see her in my dreams? Now (after the cut), you can see her enact a wondrous simulation of the horror that is family.

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Coming Soon

If, by “soon,” I mean, uh, sometime in the future.

Starboy, Motherfuckers
Jesse Mullan’s Starboy Action Comix Presents:
In: “Any Crash You Can Walk Away From.”

Hellz yes.

Plus I have like 5000 robots to draw, but that’s another story altogether.

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Who Has Two Thumbs?

Continuing my tradition of the most obscene posts possible:
Who Has Two Thumbs

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That’s a Great Idea

Anyone want to help me form a band called “the Diocemberists”?

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Finally A Use For All That Clipart!

I have to stop buying those terrible “1 million pieces of clip art for $1″ discs in the bargain bins at the store. That is, unless I start making sweet ass animations like this: 787 Cliparts.

(It’s not only SFW, if you work in a marketing or design department, you can pretend that you are working!)

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My Man Bag

Coworker: Bla bla bla purse bla bla bla.
Me: I have a man bag
Coworker: Really? What does your man bag look like?

The jokes, at that point, made themselves.

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Push It

Zach and I were just dancing to Push It. I told Cake Woman over the phone and she almost crashed her car to get the image out of her mind.

Push It

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I Don’t Really Do Comics Anymore

I was never that great of an artist, but I know how to just draw shit and call the results “my own style” or whatever. I sent one comic (the Big Book of Starboy Action) to Factsheet Five and the entire review was “Very rough. Loves trades.” I don’t know where my copy of that FS5 issue went, but I do have the final issue of FS5, which came out in 1998.

Anyway, I was looking for a big art pad that I used to have to cram my doodles into. I might be getting rid of a lot of stuff, but there’s stuff that I want to keep, too. While I was looking for that pad I came across a spiral notebook with some photocopies jammed into it. Those photocopies were of a comic that I was writing a script for — two guys I barely knew were drawing it. One of them was named Chris, and I don’t remember the name of the other. They moved, or at least said that they were moving, and I stopped work on the script.

I have a whole album of what they finished:

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