If I’m Very Lucky Or Very Good

Sarah might find a way to call me from Gatwick in a moment. I’m still awake, perhaps waiting patiently for the chance that she would call. I’ve been reading about magic wielding pirates until my eyes burned. I saw a friend’s band play. Home again, I drank free beer and inhaled the sweet air of television — but there has been no real escape from that twisting in my chest. All day it seemed like she wasn’t really leaving. All week I just went to work and spent my off hours with her like we had months before she would wing away.

It just didn’t sink in until I was almost to my car — or maybe when I was watching her in line with her passport and boarding pass in hand. Just ten feet, but thousands of miles.

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School Update

This semester I got to declare my major. I will have completed all of my coursework in my major by the end of spring. I missed being on the Dean’s list for fall semester by five thousanths of a grade point. BOO.

I still need to pick one class for spring semester.

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Singing Christmas Carols in a Minor Key


I gotta admit that I was sad on Christmas.

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Good. I can FEEL your anger.

Take your weapon. Strike me down with all of your hatred and your journey towards the dark side will be complete!

Dear Pope Who Looks Like The Emporer from Star Wars,

You are creepy.


P.S.: Thank Andy for bringing this to my attention.

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I miss Sarah, she’s so far away — and she’ll only be back for three days before winging off to London and Scotland. She’s a warm wind.

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My second day of Christmas plans with the family don’t commence until 5pm so I decided to spend the day in my torn and sweaty pajamas. The Keathlys left a couple of hours ago, so it’s just me and PJ Harvey, rocking out like 1993. I was looking for a bit of speaker wire to hook up the subwoofer from my old car, but instead I found a million other things and moved around a bunch of boxes here in the basement.

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Merry Christmas!

It’s the new Christmas JAM!

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got tha upstate prison flavor that keeps you ugly all night long

Thanks to the miracle that is ChristmasI am beginning my two season News Radio marathon now. I promise not to stop until my eyes dry up and fall out of my head.

Bill: You do realize I’m just going to go and buy another cane, don’t you?
Dave: Yeah, and I’m just gonna steal it again.
Bill: Touché. Beth! Here’s one you can take right now. This one you can break later. Here’s one for the Hamptons. This one: I like — I keep. This one displeases me.

Welcome back, 1997. I missed you.

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Fuckin’ Jammers

I just ripped the crotch of my favorite grandpa pajamas. This is the third pants crotch in a year — and the second in less than a week.

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This Is Not War, This Is Pest Control

Holy shit this episode of Doctor Who is far too amazing for its own good. Not to reveal any spoilers, but Daleks versus Cybermen.



Ten year old me is weeping openly.

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