Babie’s Got The Rabies
So, if’n you’re all “hey, Jesse, where can I listen to music featuring fuzz bass and a keytar?” I have the answer for you in the form of “Duchess Says.”
So, if’n you’re all “hey, Jesse, where can I listen to music featuring fuzz bass and a keytar?” I have the answer for you in the form of “Duchess Says.”
Today I did many things. I had a job interview at my job to get hired to do more job things. I faxed in proof of employment (for suitably internet printed definitions of “proof”) and was immediately approved to rent an apartment for about the same rent as the place in Anoka, except on my own. I finished my Computer Science 4061 homework instead of clocking in at work so that I could go to Sarah’s studio and review her work so she could have some feedback before her first year MFA review thing tomorrow, only to have her cancel when I called at five, but hey, that was okay, because I needed to put that time in on the homework anyway or it wouldn’t have been done in time, I went to my “Introduction to the Internet” class and then followed my professor to the eating and boozing establishment known as the “Big 10.”
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“[Jesse]’s got a Haley Boner hair doll,” Zach said just now.
A: That’s not how you pronounce her name.
B: Zach is just jealous
Sorry, no pictures today — I’ve been shooting HP5 in my new Canon Canonet QL17 G-III, which means that I am at the tender mercies of Sarah to either develop my film for me or sneak me into a lab to process my film myself.
I signed up for an apartment down on the edge of Steven’s Square. I hope that the building is haunted.
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“I’m glad you’re not Mormon,” Sarah said.
“That doesn’t mean that I don’t believe in polygamous marriages,” I replied.
“No, but it does reduce the likelihood.”
Fair enough.
I tell you what: I have no problem with the idea of a military. I’m fairly sure that we have a real need for a standing army, navy, marine corps, and unstoppable air power. That said, at 31, I think that I have spent plenty of time considering the possibilities of service, and so far the answer has been a simple “not for me.” Ain’t no thing: I like sleeping in and not being shot at. That’s just me.
I got an email from the Marines the other day, so I thought that I would share. We’ll see if they email back.
First of all, Saul of the Molemen is the worst television show about a geologist ever. Second, I can’t stop watching it. SO BAD.
My mom and I went to look at an apartment Saturday morning. Afterwards, we drowned my disappointment at the Mill City Cafe in Northeast. I took a roundabout way there, and on the way, my mom spotted a red robot in a window.
“Look! There’s a robot in the window of that antique shop!” she said. I glanced over and declared that my hunger was too great — we would have to visit after breakfast.
Little did I know that there was a cute, black rangefinder camera there.
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