Dessa at Making Music
I went to the Making Music thing in the Whole Music Club at work. I had only my 50mm lens and my D30, so I had to walk around a lot to try to vary my shots. Plus, holy dark venue. Anyway, maybe this you enjoy, no?
I went to the Making Music thing in the Whole Music Club at work. I had only my 50mm lens and my D30, so I had to walk around a lot to try to vary my shots. Plus, holy dark venue. Anyway, maybe this you enjoy, no?
These days if I’m not listening to Emily Haines I’m not listening to anything.
That’s neither here nor there. Nothing is due tomorrow and I have my computer set up, so I got pictures up for your viewing pleasure. Since it has been something like weeks, I know two things:
1) I owe everyone some pics
2) I need to take more pictures
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Not biking up the mountain on Johnson Avenue has really changed the experience for me. Instead of saving all the exertion for a mile or so of climbing into the heavens (where the Keathlys live), I spread it liberally along Franklin from Cedar to 3rd, and in doing so get to enjoy things like night air and the smells from the bakery about half way here. I’m even not completely dead from the experience!
I hope that you like the new site design. Also, give me a call if you don’t know how to get to my apartment, so you can come enjoy the launch party. Hooray!
I very much appreciate your peace offering of two shirts, a coffee mug, and three lanyards, but what I really want is an apology and a definition of a GPU in finite terms.
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With apologies to the Tick. For a long time I spent hours a day deleting spam comments from my blog. I used to update my naughty word blacklists on a regular basis. I lost time like a blackout drunk, only without all the “oh gosh I ruined my life so maybe I’d better never delete spam again business.” These days I’m above all that.
I heard some kind of clatter from the fifth floor of Coffman as I was heading home tonight. Out front local band Rise or Rust was playing. I didn’t know it was them, so I was about to leave, but they surprised me with “Folsom Prison Blues,” and it wasn’t terrible, so I hung around. By the second song I remembered that I had my camera.
I have volunteered the fair city of Minneapolis (and, to a lesser extent, the rustic and slightly off smelling but generally sincere and pleasant village of Saint Paul) as the setting for a small convention of the international open source developers who write and maintain Gallery. There are some questions that need answering, like where should we have our big expensive dinner?
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