Chinatown and Ocean Beach

鍋貼: possibly the best food on earth. Oh, you don’t read Chinese? Please allow me to translate: “Pot sticker.” Yes.
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San Francisco Part One

Sarah and I expected to do a lot, so I made notes on pieces of scrap paper and laid them out.
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And So It Begins

By “it,” I mean “the deluge of photos.” I will do my best not to overwhelm you.

Step one: the backlog. When I leave Minnesota, I will miss Pizza Luce. Sarah and I go regularly.
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Lee Friedlander I Am Not

I think the problem is my distinct lack of a Hasselblad.

While in San Francisco, Sarah and I went to see the Friedlander show at SFMOMA and then followed up by seeing his exhibition at the Fraenkel Gallery. If you’re in San Francisco, I highly recommend both actions. If you aren’t, you can see his work online on

This is a trickle to begin sharing images from our vacation with you. I barely understand what that word means.

This is a photo by Lee Friedlander that made Sarah and I a bit teary at the museum. I suppose that context helps, but hopefully you can get the idea from this image that I looted from the bounty of the internet.
Lee and Maria Friedlander. Cannon Beach, Oregon

Here’s my version of the same, minus the Hasselblad goodness.
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Make With the New Server

Dear Mediatemple who is not hosting most of my service any more,
I realize that this is a difficult breakup and that you still have some of my stuff, but I hope that we can be friends in the future. Just don’t lie to me or trash talk my friends and we’re cool in my book.

With love always,

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I’m Going Back to Mupples

We will be flying back to Minneapolis tomorrow morning. I find this most displeasing.

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What the?

Dear Mediatemple who went to the bar with me last night,
I think that you know where this post is going, so I will leave the completion up to you.

With love,

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Finally, Breakfast

P. Nuttles. P dot nuttles.

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Pelt The Rabbit In His Big White Head

The bunny came back and we made up.

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The Booth Babe As Promised


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