My Apartment is Less Than Half Empty

Maybe that’s pessimistic — my apartment is half full: familiarity, but not family, arrived on a semi truck yesterday morning. The Websters came by to help me set up my television and stereo, but Donald’s headache got suddenly flattening, and after some time on the floor, he requested that I stop fooling with various bits of electronics and return to their apartment for video games — in this case Lego Star Wars: The Complete Sagas. I slipped back to my apartment after through warm night air.

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First Far So Good

The first day at a new company doesn’t usually mean much — just paperwork and access requests — so I am loathe to comment, but everyone whom I have met has been really nice and I feel like I could be doing real work yet this week — maybe tomorrow, if the truck with my stuff doesn’t suddenly show up and take up a whole day (I am hoping just a couple of hours, but who can say?).

Anyway, just as a side note, as I get settled in, you will probably hear very little about my job — that’s just how I roll. I’d rather tell you about shenanigans with the Websters (who are not the new Keathlys, but are an entity unto themselves who I would like to see interacting with the Keathlys for maximum superfun) or foosball with Bharat, or whatever SF shenannies I get into with Robert (if I ever get a hold of him).

P.S.: I played Beautiful Katamari on the Websters’ Xbox 360 tonight after we polished off the leftovers from the last time I was over, which was two days ago.

I called Noah just to say goodnight tonight, and he sounded like he was very nearly asleep when I called. If I ever get around to getting pictures uploaded, you will see that I framed and hung the last two pictures that he drew for me. They are just $3 clear plastic frames from Target, but still… I miss Noah and the Keathlys very much. For that matter, I keep wishing Sarah were here so I could show her how the sun is affecting my mood. Really, I want to show all my readers: California is spraying me with happy. Please come visit.

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Internet in the Park

First things first: Google provides free WiFi in the city of Mountain View. I’m sitting at the Cal-Train station after having dinner on Castro Street here in Mountain View. It’s sunny, but I’m sitting in the shade and enjoying the breeze. Dinner was delicious, and added to the feeling of the last day of vacation before going back to work. I go to work tomorrow at 9:45 Pacific time.

Oh yeah, I have an apartment now.

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California Über Alles

Driving into California on I-80 last night I blasted the Dead Kennedys. Yes! I crashed with Chuck at his friend’s place in Mountain View, and boy howdy do I like the neighborhood. I’m at the other end of Castro at a Cafe slash Bakery because I wanted wifi. I have some apartments to drive by and call now, including the complex where my friends Don and Mary Ann are currently sleeping.

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So This is Wyoming

I had a wonderful drive from Rapid City, South Dakota to Cody, Wyoming today. I’m gonna go get a meaty steak and then probably upload photos and figure out my route post-Yellowstone.

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Go West Young Man

When I learned to dive, or at least when I learned to fall into water from high places without injuring myself too greatly, there was a period of time where I would go to the edge of the diving board and stand there, shivering and dripping, not sure if I would be able to make my feet move to carry me in. The secret to diving is that it is just falling. You lean forward, whistle through the air, and want to do it again even before parting the water. California is the pool, and tonight I am climbing the ladder to a board suspended two thousand miles from my destination. Here’s to diving.

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Apartment: Very Nearly Empty

Noah hung out with me this morning while I waited for the movers to come take my stuff out of my apartment. Despite numerous attempts to get rid of stuff, I still have quite a lot. Noah and I drew ourselves, ninjas, and werewolves while waiting for everything to get done. It seemed to take forever. Afterwards, we had pizza at Snap!.

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10 year old Jesse is quite happy

I just got a Dalek and a sonic screwdriver from my coworkers.

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Oslo, Bodø, and Points Norwegian

Sarah flew off to Norway today. It didn’t really hit me until the very second that she disappeared behind the up escalator as I rode the down. It was the sear of fire and smoke in my eyes. It was a scouring of my throat. It was my legs leadening. It was the air jelling. I drowned my way to my car and gasped. She flies East, and soon I will drive West. There will be Christmas, or flights in between — but now — then, as I fumbled my keys into the ignition — she was farther away on the other side of the checkpoint than she will be in Norway. I hope that in two weeks, she’ll call for the thirtieth time to tell me about the color green as it applies to fields, and I’ll tell her about the sun pouring down from the sky and knocking me off of my feet.

My mom, Lisa, Stan, and Noah came to help me pack at 3. Stan and I packed almost the rest of the living room, Lisa and my mom powered through the entirety of the kitchen. Noah watched Futurama and Scooby Doo. I didn’t really think that I had as much kitchen stuff as I do. Anyway, the bedroom, bathroom, fishtank, and “entertainment center” are all that are left– except for the deep cleaning that my apartment doesn’t deserve.

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Yet Another Wishlist

Sarah commented that I should drop hints about what I want for my birthday. Oh. Yeah, that! I forgot about it amidst the wonder and glory of trying to get myself and an apartment full of stuff ready for a cross-country trip.

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